7:42 AMHello!!!
So we have the biggest, bestest news EVER!!! Last night I went in for a job interview and was offered the position on the spot!!!!!!!! Yay, I'm a professional nurse!!!!!!
What is even better is the story of how this all came to be. So, there are 24 hospitals in the DFW area. That was a little overwhelming at first. On top of that though most of the hospitals require an internship or residency for new grad nurses. Well, there weren't a whole lot of those available. There was a children's medical center though that didn't require an internship. I visited it back in March and immediately fell in love with the hospital, their model of care and how they treated their patients. I sought every job I could with no luck. I never even got a call for a phone interview. So, I threw the recruiter's card away and thought to myself that dream just wasn't going to happen.
Well, that all changed very quickly. The Lord had been telling me for the past few days to back off on my job search; he was preparing a job. So, yesterday morning I got a call from the recruiter I had been working with. She said she had the perfect job and wanted me to come in for an interview that night, I of course said I'd be there. Did I mention that I never even applied for this job?! The recruiter thought the manager might hire me even though she was only looking for experienced nurses. She was right! The interview went great and at the end she said "I never do this, but I just want you to know the recruiter will be calling you in the morning with the official offer of employment, I would love to hire you." SO in less than 12 hours I went from never having an interview to getting a job that I never applied for. I am now the newest nurse on the Med/Surg unit at Cook Children's Medical Center!!!
Tons and tons of love,
Texas' newest nurse, Kyle, Quigley, and Harper