
7:35 PM

It’s been a whirlwind weekend for Team O’Connell!

Friday afternoon Kyle texted me and said we were going to ‘Braskie (that’s the Good Life, Nebraska) for Easter. I wasn’t convinced. That was crazy that was stupid, there just wasn’t time! But, thanks to a wonderful co-worker, no sleep and a whole lot of spontaneity we found ourselves in the car making the 10-hour journey home. We have the monotonous drive from Texas to Nebraska down pat; you drive north for hours on end. The dogs however decided to not act like such pros. I HAVE NEVER HAD SO MUCH DOG BOOTY IN MY FACE SO SUCH AN EXTENDED OERIOD OF TIME!!!! They were nuts! They were crazy! They whined and barked for 10 HOURS STRAIGHT!!!!!

Somehow though, we managed to pull in to the O’Connell’s driveway unscathed. No one knew were coming and we were planning to pull off the surprises of all surprises (queue the “womp womp” utter failure sound).  We snuck in the back door and threw Quigley on Kyle’s mom’s bed while she was napping, surprise! Next we were on to Kyle’s brother’s to meet our new niece and shock their socks off. We decided the most logical way to surprise new parents was of course to go through their basement and walk up their stairs in the slowest, creepiest way possible all to stop our sister- in- laws heart for a brief second. Whoops, that was not how that was supposed to go. It was great to see them and meet our newest niece Piper. Sorry to forever scare you about intruders! Then for our last surprise, my parents. They were unassumingly eating dinner on their front porch when all of a sudden this familiar little red car pulled into the drive. Pizza slices flew, doors flung open and my overjoyed mama came running towards the car. Success!

The rest of the weekend was spent soaking up some much-needed family time, gorging on delicious smoked brisket and gushing over the newest niece. It was such a good time spent with everyone and it was so great to see everyone. We have truly been blessed with the most wonderful family and friends. If only 10 hours didn’t separate us. We love you all so very much!

Harp finally sleeping on the way home. Leave it to her to only sleep on a Katie Spade bag.



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